A colorfully chaotic life :)

Yes, I have led a pretty colorful life. I'll tell you how and it starts from the basics. Historically, colors and their emotional associations have been deeply rooted in our cultural upbringing. Why is color such a powerful force in our lives?
Whether you like a color frequently depends on your childhood memories and your association between colors and feelings. If you were forced to wear blue one day and your classmates made fun of you, blue is not likely to be your favorite color as an adult.
Sometimes a hue can have many meanings for you. For example, you may choose to wear an orange top one day because:
- It lifts your mood
- You want to make a statement
As I started to work with a lot of colorful flowers and learning how to put them together in a design and make it look aesthetically good , it got me a lot more interested in color psychology. I began to read a lot about it. Besides our age old fact about Sir Isaac Newton's white light through a prism color experiment, there were other things that were new and fascinating to me.
In English, you are green with envy, in German yellow. Purple is often associated with wealth, royalty and nobility. In Thailand and Brazil, purple is the color of mourning, however.Several ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and Chinese, practiced chromotherapy, or the use of colors to heal. Chromotherapy is sometimes referred to as light therapy or colorology. Right, colorology is actually a word :D
From an article about colorology -
Colorology is still used today as a holistic or alternative treatment. In this treatment:
- Red is used to stimulate the body and mind and to increase circulation.
- Yellow is thought to stimulate the nerves and purify the body.
- Orange is used to heal the lungs and to increase energy levels.
- Blue is believed to soothe illnesses and treat pain.
- Indigo shades are thought to alleviate skin problems
Also in general each color is emotionally associated by us like the following-
Red attracts the most attention and is associated with strong emotions, such as love, passion, and anger.
Orange is the hue of encouragement, optimism and self-confidence.
Yellow denotes the mind and the intellect, resonating with the left, logical side of the brain.
Blue denotes trust, loyalty and peace.
Purple is the color of imagination and spirituality, inspiring high ideals.
Green denotes new beginnings & growth.
White stands for freshness.
Black is the color of being cold and mysterious.
Colors can change our perception of time, temperature, influence our performance and so many other factors in our day-to-day lives.
I used to have a lot of interest in the color correction part of film editing when I was making short films. Every color has so much power to influence the tone of the scene and emotion.For example - Red is used to denote passion, danger or power. Pink signifies innocence, femininity and beauty. Yellow is associated with joy, naivety and insanity. Blue symbolizes isolation, passivity and calmness.Having the right color tone for every scen is a subtle way to make the narrative resonate emotionally even without any actors present.
Another most interesting stuff I read about colors (this is from an article) -
"Color does not only affect our psychological and emotional state but also our body. Consistent with psychologically preparing for danger, red is known to heighten physiological alertness. It activates our nervous system and thus increases the heart rate and the amount of adrenaline circulating in our bloodstream. This fight-or-flight response enables us to react faster.
Also, the previously mentioned relaxing effect of cool colors like blue and green leads to physiological changes. They calm the body, and for example, reduce respiration and lower the blood pressure. Therefore, surgeons often dress in green or blue.
The effects of colors on behavior go even further. The color of a medical drug seems to have an impact on its effectiveness. Red, yellow and orange pills are associated with stimulating effects; blue, green and purple with relaxing, or even numbing effects.
A study investigated the impact of color on the placebo effect. All participants believed that they were given stimulating drugs, even though they all got placebos. One group got warm-colored pills, and the other group got cool-colored ones. The findings showed that the placebo effect was stronger in people receiving pills of warm colors than for those who received cool-colored ones."
Can we use color therapy to relieve stress, anxiety and other things that brings down our vibe?
In my case, I have had days where I have been super stressed and not in the mood to do anything productive. But coloring an image instantly calms me and helps with my anxiety. I noticed the change happen when I tried this during my postpartum and every now and then. iPad is always charged at my place and ready to be put to use whenever I want an escape :) These days its the acrylic and gouache paintings :)
I use the Procreate App on my iPad to sketch designs and there are so many other apps that has tons of images ready to be colored.
In summary, I have been all the above colors in many circumstances of my life :) I am sure everyone of us had to play different colors in different situations too, right? Life is indeed a colorfully chaotic ride , isn't it ? :)